Using SPARQL to query Life Science Databases

Ammar Ammar ORCID icon 0000-0002-8399-8990, Marvin Martens ORCID icon 0000-0003-2230-0840, Egon L. Willighagen ORCID icon 0000-0001-7542-0286

© 2021-2023 The Authors

License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 International

This book is written in Markdown with additional instructions that are preprocessed. Part of the content is based on previous workshops, funded by various projects funded by the European Commission.

Wishes, comments, and pull requests can be send to this GitHub repository.


  1. Introduction
    1.1. SPARQL query language
    1.2. This book
  2. List of Databases
    2.1. Other useful resources
  3. Biology
    3.1. Biological entities
    3.1.1. Genes
    3.1.2. Proteins
    3.1.3. Small compounds
  4. Generic queries
    4.1. Listing all classess
    4.2. Listing all items of some class
    4.3. Listing all properties of some class
  5. AOP-Wiki
    5.1. Entities
    5.2. Data model
    5.3. Example queries
    5.3.1. Counting key events
  6. ChEMBL
    6.1. Entities
    6.2. Data model
    6.3. Exercises
    6.3.1. ChEMBL sources
    6.3.2. Counting assays
    6.3.3. Binding affinities
    6.3.4. Assays and UniProt IDs
  7. Wikidata
    7.1. Entities
    7.2. Data model
    7.3. Example queries
    7.3.1. Proteins
    7.3.2. Chemicals
  8. WikiPathways
    8.1. Entities
    8.2. Data model
    8.3. Example queries
    8.3.1. Asking information for a specific pathway
    8.3.2. A lipid pathway
    8.3.3. A federated SPARQL query
